Printable Cable Wraps

Printable Cable Wraps are designed to easily mark cables with long-lasting, legible text. No longer will you have to use hand written stickers for your cable management.

Custom printed cable wraps ensure that your cables are clearly labeled, identified and organized.  Our Custom Printed Cable Wraps are designed to last a long time with text that will not smear. 

Choose the color that is just right for your cable wrap project. We have five lable colors; white, red, green, orange and blue to help differentiate networks and equipment. 


Perfect for easy, quick identification of network, date & communication cables


  • Ensures your cables stay organized
  • Optimal Temperature range: -40 to 180°F
  • Minimum Application Temperature: 46˚
  • Outdoor life rating: 5+ years
  • Resistant to chemicals, smears, UV, water 
  • Available colors: white, red, green, orange and blue

Questions? Let us help you find the right label. Please Contact Us

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